Thursday, December 20, 2007

What is the Matrix?

What is the Matrix?

(Miracles? What miracles?)
By Rui Fragassi
Based on "Tales from the Time Loop"
Review: Bernardo de Gregorio

"The mathematical concept of Mother [= Matrix, in English] is a proper ordering of symbols [normally numbers] in space. In two dimensions, these ordinances are called 'lines' [horizontally] and' columns' [upright ]. "

We are forever in the present divine emanations infinite NOW. All we see is our mental creations. Time and space are illusory concepts we created, forming a prison, we can call 'Mother'. The only truth is the Endless Love - all the rest is illusion. Let the detailing:

1. Hologramas are projections of energy or 'light', it seems, to the observer, is a form of 3 dimensions, but is actually a series of codes and standards of wave that only create the illusion of 3D when a laser emits its light on these holograms . All the reality of the 5 senses is a holographic illusion that only exists in a way 'solid' because the brain / human mind makes that is apparent in this way. The world of 3D landscapes, seas, buildings and human bodies, only exists in that way when we look at it!

If it is not a mass of vibration fields and codes. In the movie Matrix, the Matrix is represented, seen from outside, through a series of numbers and codes green, while the interior as it is experienced the kind of world in which we think we live - mountains, streets, etc.
people,This is a good analogy.

2. We do not see with our eyes, we see with our brains! In the path of the eye to the visual cortex, brain region responsible for the "production" of vision (visual gnosia), the temporal lobes editing and rebuilding up to 50% or more of the original information that enters through the retina and we only "see" what the brain, with all its realities conditioned, decides what he is seeing.

In "The Universe Holográfico," Michael Talbot to us that in the years'70 his father contracted a professional hipnotizador to entertain a group of friends. One chosen to be hypnotized was a man named Tom and it was the first time he was with a hipnotizador. What are the hipnotizadores stage is set for people to believe that they are seeing something or doing something that, in fact, nothing more than pure invention.

The hipnotizador Tom did believe that there was a giraffe in the living room and later he made it eat a potato raw believing that it was an apple. These are confirmations that the brain sees and experiences what it is programmed to believe what they see and experience. But the most interesting part of the story came when Tom was brought back to the state of consciousness awakens. Once before hipnotizador end the formal state of trance, he told Tom that when he agree he would not be able to see his daughter, Laura.

The hipnotizador asked to Laura to stay standing front and with the father so that when they open their eyes he was looking at her stomach. When asked to Tom if he could see his daughter, he replied that not. Laura is mexeu fairly, but has not any results. The hipnotizador is placed behind Laura and segurou something against the back of Laura. To see this object, Tom would have to see through his daughter. The hipnotizador asked to Tom to say what he was holding in his hand and, tilting up to forward to the stomach of their daughter, he said: "a clock." He was then requested to read the inscription on the clock and it read.

The hipnotizador confirmed that really was holding a watch with the inscription described by Tom The mind of Tom was scheduled to believe that he could not see his daughter, so he not seen. Moreover, he could see what was behind her. How is this possible? We construct our reality "here within" and not "outside".

3. A statement is perfectly correct: "know the truth and the truth shall make you free". In practice, a large part of what we know is Lie. There are entities (such as manipulators reptilianos, draconian, "greys" in its fantoches, besides that of the Mother ourselves created) we repassam wrong information (lies!) To enslave us (withdraw our freedom) and the Power withdraw. One of the lies more rooted in us is our concept of separation (illusory) space and time.

Comecemos pelo nosso conceito de tempo: com o conceito de tempo estabelecido na superfície de nosso planeta Terra, todos nós podemos praticar um ato posterior ANTES de um ato anterior, basta cruzar de oeste para leste o "meridiano do tempo", que cruza o Oceano Pacífico exatamente na localização oposta ao meridiano de Greenwich. Desta forma cria-se uma diferença de tempo entre os atos de quase 12 horas!

Que absurdo! Nosso conceito de Tempo é uma tremenda ilusão. Passado, presente e futuro: ilusão! Então, como funcionam todas as coisas, sem o conceito de Tempo? Na realidade só existe o infinito e eterno Presente, o AGORA, com todos nossos conceitos de eventos passados e futuros ocorrendo no eterno Agora, em realidades paralelas simultâneas, criadas por nossas mentes. É exatamente por causa disso que videntes conseguem "ver" e "sentir" acontecimentos "passados" e "futuros": eles estão presentes no Agora! Reencarnação, portanto, não é um processo de vir e sair deste mundo com o passar do tempo: é mover-se para dentro e para fora de diferentes realidades, todas acontecendo simultaneamente.

Ainda não está convencido sobre a ilusão do tempo? Então considere um dos grandes mistérios que é a predição do "futuro", que muitos estudos já provaram ser possível. Um exemplo nesse sentido é o "teste da cadeira" proposto pelo vidente holandês Gerard Croiset: investigadores iriam identificar eventos em salas espalhadas pelo mundo que não tivessem assentos numerados pré-alocados. As pessoas sentariam onde quisessem quando elas chegassem ao local do evento.

O investigador daria a Croiset um assento particular para ser focalizado semanas antes do evento e ele teria que descrever a pessoa que iria sentar lá durante o evento futuro. Durante 25 anos Croiset descreveu os ocupantes dos assentos com enorme precisão. Dra. Jule Eisenbud, professora clínica na Universidade do Colorado, conduziu um desses testes em 1969. Mais de duas semanas antes de um evento em Denver, Colorado, Eisenbud contactou Croiset na Holanda e deu a ele um assento para "ler". Croiset disse que o homem que iria sentar naquela cadeira tinha cerca de 1.75m de altura e trabalhava na indústria e com ciência. Em seu trabalho, disse Croiset, ele usava um avental de laboratório que estava manchado com um produto químico esverdeado.

Ele disse que o homem tinha os cabelos pretos, penteados para trás, uma cicatriz no seu dedão e um dente de ouro na sua mandíbula inferior. 17 dias depois, este mesmo homem sentou no assento e Croiset estava correto em todos os detalhes, inclusive sobre sua altura. Como isso é possível? O homem "depois" na cadeira e o homem "antes", antes mesmo que ele inclusive soubesse que ele iria àquele evento, não eram eventos que estavam acontecendo separados por várias semanas: eram eventos concomitantes na eternidade. Eles estavam acontecendo simultaneamente. Eram duas realidades mentais distintas, mas acontecendo no Infinito AGORA!!

4. Uma ilusão só pode controlar você quando você pensa que ela é real. Quando nós observamos nossas experiências diárias nós estamos olhando em um espelho de nós mesmos. Portanto, para mudar seu mundo mude a você próprio. Não culpe os outros, pois isso é aceitar que os outros têm poder sobre sua vida e sobre a realidade que você cria.
Não existe nada que não possa ser explicado, uma vez que entendamos que o Amor Infinito (Unicidade) é a única verdade e todo o resto é ilusão e que nós estamos criando a ilusão ou tendo a ilusão programada em nós por acreditar que ela seja real. Lyall Watson, biólogo e autor de "Supernature", diz ter presenciado uma mulher Indonésia chamada Tia, uma xamã, conversando com uma menininha em um pequeno bosque de árvores. Ele olhava a cena de uma curta distância e ela não sabia que ele estava lá observando.

Ela pareceu explicar algo à garota e um certo ritual de dança e de gestos começou. Para o espanto de Watson, o pequeno bosque de árvores desapareceu e, após alguns segundos, voltou novamente. "Num momento Tia dançava no bosque sombreado; no seguinte ela ficava em pé sob um sol escaldante", ele disse. "Ela conseguiu 'ligar' e 'desligar' o bosque várias vezes", com Watson olhando sem acreditar. Isto é impossível? Não, não é.

O bosque é uma ilusão holográfica e aqueles que compreendem como o processo funciona podem se desconectar dessa realidade, o sonho de consenso que concorda que o bosque existe. Com Lyall Watson observando esta cena intensamente, foi fácil para ele tornar-se parte do campo de realidade de Tia e também ver o bosque aparecer e desaparecer. Outras pessoas poderiam ter observado isso de uma ilusão de realidade de consenso e o bosque não teria desaparecido para elas. Isto explica porque algumas pessoas podem caminhar através de paredes - elas acreditam que podem e essa torna sua experiência.

Elas desconectam suas mentes e corpos das leis da realidade de consenso que insiste que isso é impossível. Quando digo "acreditar", isto é um nível de crença muito além de qualquer pessoa que apenas diz "eu acredito". Não é crença, é um conhecimento, um ser. Existe um velho ditado que diz que nós podemos "mover montanhas". Isto não tem um significado literal? Por que não? Se um bosque pode desaparecer, porque não uma montanha? A montanha é uma ilusão holográfica e nossa mente controla a ilusão. Por que nós não movemos montanhas? Nós podemos, mas nós não fazemos, porque nós não sabemos que nós podemos. A realidade de consenso, programada, diz que a própria idéia é ridícula e se acatamos essa realidade, assim é. Porém se criarmos uma outra realidade que diz o oposto, moveremos montanhas!

5. As "leis" do mundo dos 5 sentidos podem apenas ser aquilo que nós pensamos que elas são, e enquanto aceitarmos elas como real nós estaremos sujeitos às suas limitações. Da mesma forma, se nós pudermos livrar nossas mentes dessas realidades, nós não estaremos mais sujeitos às suas "leis" e limitações. Isto é o que chamamos "milagres". Quase todos já leram sobre feitos inexplicáveis como caminhar no fogo sem se queimar, ter espadas atravessadas através do corpo sem se machucar ou deixar cicatriz, levitação e muitas outras coisas. Nenhum desses fenômenos é possível para a ciência materialista convencional, mas isso é simplesmente porque a ciência convencional é o conhecimento equivalente a um filme do Mickey Mouse.

David Icke conheceu uma mulher que separou um quarto de sua casa para ser usado por meditadores sérios, meditadores que queriam meditar por longos períodos sem serem perturbados. Um cara entrou e não apareceu por muitos dias e ela ficou curiosa para saber se ele estava bem. Ela pegou um copo de chá para ele e abriu a porta devagarinho. No momento seguinte o copo se espatifou no chão porque quando ela olhou para ele, a metade de baixo de seu corpo estava invisível. Impossível? É possível sim e perfeitamente explicável.

Em 1905, o paranormal Indridi Indridason fazia parte de um projeto de cientistas eminentes da Islândia no terreno do "paranormal". Quando ele entrava em transe profundo os cientistas viam diferentes partes de seu corpo desaparecer e reaparecer. Tudo é possível, literalmente tudo, porque nós somos infinitas possibilidades. David Icke também conta que uma mulher do Texas lhe contou que um dia, pela manhã, ela acordou próximo do marido e encontro-o flutuando a cerca de 1,80m acima da cama, ainda dormindo...

O Dr. William Tufts Brigham, o curador do Bishop Museum de Honolulu, era um investigador perspicaz do "paranormal" e seus estudos envolveram os "milagres" feitos por xamãs havaianos, ou kahunas. Ele testemunhou uma delas curar um homem que tinha quebrado a perna tão forte que pedaços do osso estavam atravessando a pele.

A mulher kahuna "orou" (pensamento concentrado) e meditou ao lado do homem e esticou sua perna, empurrando os ossos quebrados. Após alguns minutos ela disse que a cura estava completa e o homem se levantou e saiu andando sem nenhum sinal de seu severo machucado de minutos atrás. Isto é possível porque, na realidade, não existe osso - isso também é uma ilusão...

6. Um pouquinho sobre o "carma": a crença na realidade sólida materialista é fundamental na ciência oficial, assim como a necessidade de que tudo seja provado através de experimentos que possam ser repetidos. Cientistas que sugerem explicações alternativas são jogados no ostracismo ou sabotados, para se defender a "sabedoria" existente. Fundamental para perdermos de vista nossa unidade infinita é a política oficial da ciência não-alternativa que apresenta o mundo como partes desconectadas e isto está refletido na própria estrutura da ciência, com suas especialidades compartimentalizadas, que raramente conversam entre si.

Mas, quando as crenças dos cientistas estão afetando os resultados dos experimentos, como a física quântica está cansada de mostrar, de que valia é este dogma? Uma partícula subatômica chamada "anomalon" foi verificada ter propriedades diferentes em diferentes laboratórios, o que é equivalente a ter um carro que muda de cor e outras características dependendo de quem o está dirigindo. As "leis" da Ciência apenas se aplicam porque os cientistas acreditam que sim e, graças ao estado divinizado da Ciência: o que ela decide que é "real" torna-se a realidade de consenso. Mas tudo é uma ilusão.

Tome, por exemplo, a lei básica da Ciência conhecida como "Lei de Causa e Efeito", o fundamento da chamada "Lei do Carma". Para cada ação tem que existir uma reação. Isto é verdade - mas apenas se você acredita que é. Se você acredita que não é verdade então ela não é! As pessoas possuem carma apenas porque elas acreditam que elas o possuem em suas mentes individuais e coletiva. William Tiller, físico da Stanford University, escreve: "quando chegamos nas fronteiras de nossa compreensão, podemos de fato deslocar as leis de tal forma que nós estamos criando a física enquanto caminhamos". Não existem "leis", apenas possibilidades infinitas. O que é realidade? O que você pensa que é? Então isso é o que é.

Místicos têm comunicado idas a "Salas de Saber" em seus mundos não-físicos e relatado que a Terra é uma "universidade" espiritual onde as pessoas vêm para aprender algumas duras lições e trabalhar seus carmas. Isto é uma total ilusão! "Você acha que o Infinito tem que ir para escola aprender algo quando ele sabe tudo que existe para saber?". Sobre o carma, a idéia que você experimenta aquilo que você fez os outros experimentar, pode-se perguntar: "Por que teria o Infinito de experimentar aquilo que ele mesmo fez experimentar?". A idéia do carma é uma manipulação da Matriz para embasar a crença na passagem do "tempo" - é o meu carma de uma vida passada ou eu estou gerando carma para meu futuro - e para manter as pessoas em um estado de culpa e de auto-condenação. "Amor Infinito não julga a si ou pune a si mesmo - estas são ilusões da desconexão".

Estas áreas do conhecimento são muito mais subversivas para o sistema do que simplesmente expor a rede de sociedades secretas ou a agenda global porque elas oferecem meios que nós podemos pensar de excluir a agenda e seus valores fascistas de nossa existência e pensar e trazer uma nova realidade em existência. Esta é a transição da prisão para o paraíso. Como toda realidade, a transição tem que acontecer primeiro na mente - ou, mais acertadamente, no coração - e apenas então pode ser experienciada no mundo "físico" como holograma manifesto.

Rejeitar a realidade de consenso e criar a nossa própria é a transformação. É como o conto de Andersen "A Roupa Nova Do Rei". A realidade de consenso era que ele estava vestindo roupas novas lindas, porque a multidão não queria admitir que ele estava nu. Foi preciso que uma criança gritasse "o rei está nu" para quebrar o encanto e propagar o óbvio.

7. Acredito que todos já tenham ouvido falar do Conde Drácula, não? É uma ficção, porém baseada em fatos reais, que estão ocorrendo agora na nossa aristrocracia/realeza (Drácula > Draco > Draconianos = linha reptiliana "real").

Primeiramente, uma introdução: há uma técnica de controle mental chamada de Distúrbio de Múltiplas Personalidades (MPD, em inglês). Isto ocorre quando a mente é fraturada, através de trauma e programação, em uma série de aparentes "personalidades" ou "personagens", cada um com diferentes atitudes, crenças e, até, diferentes "idades" ou "sexos". David Icke testemunhou um caso (na sala de um terapeuta) de uma mulher de 30 anos que manifestou sete distintas "personalidades" em meia hora de sessão, incluindo uma de bebê. Cada personalidade tinha seu próprio nome, antecedentes e características, e cada uma foi trazida à tona, em seqüência, pelo terapeuta pelo uso de palavras corretas de acionamento e por códigos.

Quando uma personalidade era comutada para outra, a face da mulher mudava, inclusive a cor dos olhos e características da pele (cicatrizes podem desaparecer quando uma personagem substitui outra como a mente consciente). A pessoa pode estar doente, em um modo, e perfeitamente saudável no outro.

Mulheres com MPD podem ter diferentes ritmos menstruais com cada personalidade, e parecerem mais velhas ou mais jovens. Agora, como é o outro termo para essa transformação instantânea das feições da face e do corpo? Mudança de forma ("shape-shifting", em inglês). Esta é uma das características do Drácula: mudança de forma, assim como os humanos reptilianos. Drácula é um vampiro, assim como os humanos draco-reptilianos, que bebem sangue humano comum, alimentando-se da energia humana. A linha dos manipuladores está seriamente envolvida em sacrifícios humanos e em rituais de beber sangue em toda a nossa história. Os registros sumérios revelam que os Anunnakis, deuses da Antiga Suméria que igualmente apreciavam o derramamento de sangue humano, eram uma raça reptiliana.

8. When the mystics remember, before performing a "miracle", they are by hanging up the reality of consensus, the mind, which says that "miracle" is impossible. What we do not see, we invented: our eyes have a blind spot where the optic nerve connects the eye in the middle of the retina. Whatever the object you look, we can not see anything that covers that part of the eye, but the brain constructs a scene using the full information available and therefore meets the "hole" using the images for this coming the other eye or gathered in memory. Reality is just what we have been programmed to believe it is. We see only what we are conditioned to see and editamos (eliminated) all that contradicts this conditioning.

Deploying beliefs is all that the handlers want, because it is through the belief that we express our reality. Generally, the belief creates a bias; polarization = division and conflict, division and conflict = divide and dominate. They want rigid beliefs in conflict, for this reason, they do not care much with what you believe piamente, provided that piamente you believe in something because you so that they can play against others who believe piamente no (apparent) opposite.

Albert Einstein said, "we need to remember that we did not notice the nature as it really exists, but the nature exposed to our method of perception. The theories determine what we can or can not watch." What we think we see as a building, people, forests and lakes are, in reality, three-dimensional holographic illusions conjuradas this reality by our own minds. The sessions of hypnosis well exemplify this.

What is "free will"? The conscious mind is not one that, in the end, is in control of events, except in the way that it decodes 3D holographic patterns according to your sense of reality. The Unconscious is the main source of human response and behaviour, and not to think that consciousness is taking the decisions. Experiments showed that the signals in the brain, necessary to move an arm, open the mouth or perform any physical action, begins a second and a half before the conscious mind take a "decision" correspondent.

The Matrix was created by the Collective Unconscious, and the conscious mind has been trapped by illusions created thereby. The Mother took a life of its own when it signed an energy source itself: the fear generated by conscious minds and Unconscious aprisionadas in an illusion they believe to be "real". This fear self-perceived, the Matrix, then traps also the Collective Unconscious in illusion. It is the Unconscious that the manipulators seek to control.

We are conditioned to do what we are told to see, by the rules of society. The hypnosis comes in many forms: in childhood are subject to the schedule of our fathers, that instilam their own realities about us. This consists then with the education we received at school. Education is not involved with the development of self-perception, it merely prepares young people for the work that used to the system. The real education would desaprender the incutida indoctrination by the "education" official. The hipnotizador resident is at the corner of the room: "Mom, where do I learn the meaning of life?". "Oh, cale the mouth and see TV." "OK, Mom ...".

9. Facts unusual can happen when people express different illusions and dreams different. How many times have dreams in which part of events that would kill us or hurt, but that does not happen? Similarly, be for its reality that fire can not burn your feet, so he can not. Why? Because your feet no more than the fire!

How can an illusion burn an illusion, unless you believe that it can and show that reality: the illusion of burning and the pain? When we feel pain, it is the brain that feel and not in dedão that chutou the leg of the table. The brain expresses the pain by the message it receives and brain conditioning feels pain just because he thinks it should take. This is what the computer program and says this is what he delivery as a result. When you change the program, you get a different reality: without burning and without pain.

"Miracles" are just leaving the reality of consensus where their "laws" illusory no longer apply. How can burn your body when you know that it is only a holographic illusion of your mind? How can a holographic illusion is harmed by a sword or a bullet, which is also only a holographic illusion? Answer: only when you believe this is possible! The man who "lost" half of his body when meditava was for such a state of consciousness (the reality) that his body holographic began to follow him. Doing so, he began to disappear, pulling up this fact.

As for levitation and other phenomena called "paranormal" (paranormal to the reality of consensus), the principle is the same. "When you levita, is not you going 'up' is its' world 'that goes' down'." But is not the art of levitation angels to gravity? Only if you think that is because the gravity is another illusion. If we do not believe in it, we will not be subject to their laws. There are no laws unless we believe they exist. Infinite love is the only truth, everything else is illusion. People have raised car to save her children: their minds in a highly concentrated emotional change the realities and not become subject to the "laws" of this reality that we know. All known facts similar to this.

Many try to make these apparent "miracles" with the so-called "enlightenment" or "spiritual advancement," which could be a trap. You are not a "living god on earth" by achieve these tricks coming from the knowledge of how we create the reality: the handlers are using these techniques all the time. These skills can be used (and are) by those who wish expose the illusion and help people despertarem it. But it must be this: it is only a knowledge and you can use it as they wish ...

10. In the laboratory we can generate a hologram from a beam of light emitted by a laser. Divide up that beam into two beams: one goes directly to the photographic plate, and the other goes to the same photographic plate after being reflected by the object being photographed. To reproduce the photo of the object in 3 dimensions, uses the same laser to illuminate the hologram generated in the previous step. One of the amazing features of the hologram is that each part contains the whole: if you cut the film holographic into four parts and focus the laser in each of these pieces, they will not reveal four shares of the scene photographed, but each piece will show a version less of the whole scene.

You can cut the plate in how many pieces you want and they will always project the same image altogether (complete), when the laser light. It is exactly because the human body is a hologram that each cell contains all the information needed to "grow" a whole body. So, you can clone people and animals from a single cell, using their genetic information contained in DNA (desoxiribonuclêico acid).

The conventional medicine tends to reject alternatives such as Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Reflexology, the Medicinas Traditional Xamânicas, etc.. But if it were not so "hipnotizada" by the pharmaceutical cartel manipulators, it would realize that the body is a hologram and the basis of such alternative therapies could not be simpler. The Reflexology, for example, is based on the understanding that different parts of the body (feet, hands and ears) are mirrors of all the bodies and when working on these images reflected, acts on the body in the same way.

The same thing happens with Iridologia: all organs of the body printed in the iris of the eye. This is perfectly logical, since the body is a hologram and each part of the hologram contains the image of the whole: each cell contains the whole. The Acupuncture is based on holographic sub-systems of the body as well as the Kiromancia because the hand contains information of the entire body. The holographic body is an expression of the hologram that is the universe and the cosmos, as well as every part of the body (the Micro-Cosmos repeats the Macro-Cosmos).

The brain is not the soul, the brain is a computer used by the scientists mind and therefore never managed to locate where, in the brain, is the soul. They will never find, because the soul is not there. We do not think with the brain, but through the brain, in our reality of the 5 senses. The science official also not find the area of the brain that contains the memory, because the memory, the hard disk of the computer "is scattered throughout the brain, because the brain is a hologram and each part contains the whole. People have had good part of the brain removed because of tumors and not surprisingly lost some specific memories. The hologram has a tremendous capacity to store information, they can store many scenes in the same holographic film, for example, and moving up the angle of incidence of light of the laser, which choose the scene you want to see.

Our memory works in a similar manner: we have photographic holographic memory. People can "read" objects, such as watches and jewelry, and draw them details of their stories and the owners, because the objects are holograms that record this information. The holograms of our bodies store the memory of all our senses. When, for example, cheiramos something that can trigger a memory as powerful as when we see or hear something that reminds us some experience.

The holographic memory extends itself beyond the brain for the whole body holographic. The hologram of the body contains the memory of the hologram of the cosmos and so on. Everything is connected with everything. Everything is everything. The Mother can not divide the whole into parts because the Uniqueness is always the Uniqueness, but the Matrix can give the illusion of division and polarity, and that is what she does, manipulating our sense of reality. Division and polarity are illusions, because everything is One

11. Take some information about our senses holographic. All our 5 senses are holographic and are located throughout the body-hologram. Yes, even our vision. Clearly, we do not need eyes to see, when we analyze the many reports of those who passed by the phenomena of experience "out-of-body" and "near-death". They desprendem of their bodies and their physical eyes, but they continue to see. This is possible because the mind does not see, only decodes patterns of frequency in holographic illusions mind seeing
(gnosia visual).

It is a virtual reality and you do not need eyes to see what your mind is thinking, that everything is happening "inside here" and not "outside". If something can decode frequencies in holograms, something that can "see". Like all conscience could do this, all you can see in every part of the body holographic has "eyes". So, we can see through any part of the body as the body is a hologram. Experiments show that rats continue to do well with 90% of the visual cortex of the brain removed and cats continue to see after 98% of their optical nerves stop working.

Many experiments have shown that some people may see and read through the hands, with your eyes vendados. The hands and all other parts of the body can send messages to the visual cortex in the brain, where we "see". In fact, we do not need even to see the brain, that is another level of illusion. Did the Infinite need eyes and a brain to see?

Paul Bach-y-Rita, a neuroscientist and physician at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, United States, says: "you do not see with your eyes. You see with the brain (beyond: you see with the mind). Kadar image reaches the retina of the eye, it becomes nerve pulses without difference of those who come from dedão the foot. " Information enters the eyes as a pattern of frequencies in the brain turns into a 3D image. As each part of the hologram contains the whole, every part of the body - the hand, foot, knee - has the ability to pass patterns of frequencies to the brain, which in turn holograms that we can "see". This means that people really have "eyes in the back", as they say.

We heard of people who see in 360 degrees when they come into altered states of consciousness, that keeps them sintonizem these directions, removing the focus of the reality of consensus of the 5 senses. All perfectly explainable in a holographic. A Life magazine reported that a Russian call Rosa Kuleshova could read with your fingertips and others could do the same with other parts of their bodies, such as nose and ear. David Eisenberg of Harvard Medical School, commented that two irmãzinhas chinezas could read with their armpits!

Paul Bach-y-Rita and others found that we can see through the language. They developed a device to stimulate the ability of language to understand images and this has allowed blind people to recover a vision. A report says the language, a body of taste and tact, it may seem unlikely a replacement eye. Ultimately, it is usually hidden inside the mouth, insensitive to light, and not connected to the optic nerves. However, a growing volume - research indicates that the language can be the second best place of the body to receive visual information in the world and transmit it to the brain. " Polls past have used the skin as a route to the images that are coming into the nervous system.

People can decode pulses nervous as visual information coming from other sources, not the eyes, showing how adaptable and plastic is the brain. Most people do not access these innate abilities because they do not know they have those and they do not believe they have the. We are what we think we are and we do what we believe we can make. Each part of the hologram has the sense of the whole and is conscious. In the book "The Universe Holográfico," Michael Talbot account that he was having a problem with the spleen and he was using visualization to deal with the problem, using your mind to rebalancear hologram formed by the spleen.

One night he was frustrated with the process and, in the privacy of their own thoughts, gave his spleen a reprimand for not responding rapidly enough. Some days later he was consults a visionary about their health and she identified the problem in the spleen, and then stopped, looking confused, before saying: "your spleen is very upset with something.

Did you have gritado with his spleen?. "She said that the spleen was sick because he thought that that was what I wanted to Talbot. He had given wrong messages, she said, and now the spleen was confused." Never, never be angry with your body or with their internal organs, "she said," just send positive messages to them. "
12. The Mother of manipulators seeking to build a consensus on the reality of what is the collective human mind, the collective unconscious of Jung, accepts the "truth" prevalent that it is scheduled to believe.

The more this happens, the more powerful are the patterns of thought that maintains the reality manipulated cohesive and more dense the holograms will opinion. We are in hipnotizando each other through the acceptance and enforcement of standards, which leads to share the same basic illusions. The goal is to solidify the illusion of consensus even further, removing the challenging and the alternatives to it.

The reality of the Matrix is built with thoughts misleading highly unbalanced (fears) that produce patterns of low frequency vibration. Those prisoners to the illusion of Mother ressoam these standards and the more you are arrested, slower is its vibration. Create is a vicious circle with both the prison and the prisoners, contributing to the survival of the Matrix.

Until these standards, often are challenged by those who vibram the Uniqueness and harmony, the Matrix will prevail, because fear and disharmony are the Matrix. The analogy mechanics of this phenomenon can be observed, for example, when two violins put next to each other: the acionarmos a rope in one of the violins, the same string of other violin will begin to vibrate, in what is called a resonance simpatética.

When we have a thought, we are sending waves of sound frequencies in the 5 senses can not hear (infrasom) and this sound ressoa a pattern of spatial frequency. Change the sound - the thought, the reality - and the world changes. It seems that these fields of thought form vórtices as redemoinhos in a sink, which may become fixed and rigid, corresponding to fixed opinions, views immutable and rigid sense of reality, who resist the change.

What happens when a person challenges the system and offers a different reality? She is ridiculed, condemned, dismissed, marginalized, attacked financially, imprisoned or even killed. What is really happening at a level vibracional? It is the expression of the 5 senses the pattern of the energy matrix that is forcing the rope vibrant inappropriate to come on line. We can see the consequences in such rebels being attacked in many ways, because for the Mother they represent a tone of different frequency that must be played back to the line of Mother vibracional prevalent. It is common seeing politicians who start challenging the system and then become lawyers him.

We can not end with the arrest of Mother reacting "outside" with weapons, bombs, anger and hatred, because it will make the frequency of Mother even stronger, contributing to its pattern of disharmony. The solution is "here within," changing our own patterns of vibration in connecting with the Uniqueness, harmony and love. If we displace ourselves, we have changed our world, our reality. The Matrix is a construction vibracional and to remove its control we have to break the power vibracional that it has on us. In fact, most of that 'power' is simply our ignorance that such control exists.

We are creating our own universe, one for us. The more you redefine your reality, with respect to the consensus, the more you will stand out from the crowd and be a nail above the rest. The reason of manipulators seek martelarem these people back for all the other nails well enfiados on a base of wood is that they threaten to sabotage the very fact of consensus which the Mother depends. They show that there is more of a reality as possible. The visionaries are people dangerous to handlers and they wish to see free them.

An independent person is a demon for a handler of the reality of consensus! When we told to do or believe in something, ask: "Who decided that?", "Why I do or believe this?". I am the One Infinite, not HAVE to do or believe in anything that I do not want. Best, nor do these questions ...

13. What exciting time to be here this illusion of the 5 senses! We are going back to home, despite never accordance party! Only in enganamos we had party! The gargalhada all this is very important. There are no tears in the "sky" or suffering in One What can we do, unless gargalhar? Here are running around a loop in time, as a mouse in his wheel spinning, believing in a time that does not exist. The faster we move forward, the faster we go back, when, in fact, we will never to nowhere. What gozação!

Our bodies just "dying" because we think that they die. We only feel pain and get sick because we think that this occurs. We get old because we think we are. We fought our heads against a solid wall that can not be solid; we chutamos our dedão in the leg of the table, despite the table be an illusion, as well as the dedão. We fear of the future, although there is no future. We regret the past, when there is no past. We fear of the unknown even though we have the knowledge of all that exists. A Chinese scholar said, "finally, in the end when all is finished and all questions were answered, there is nothing else to do other than sit and give a great gargalhada."

You mean that the moon is not real? It is not. How about the sun? Nor is it? But I am moving on the earth, right? No, you are standing on your mind. OK, I see you tomorrow? There is no tomorrow. It's happening now, just like yesterday. What time are? That you think it is. You are playing, right? You are making me a fun? No, it is true, honestly. That's really true? Yes, if you think you have it! We are a Uniqueness Infinita. We can not die and we are what we choose to be throughout eternity. What happens, we do happen and we have the power to change infinite.

Love & Light
Lion Balu

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